In the early 1990s, ETI embarked on the production of handheld thermometers featuring separate probes. While these devices were functional and effective, a sudden realization struck when the decision was taken to integrate all the components into a single unit. This pivotal moment laid the groundwork for the creation of ETI’s flagship product, the Thermapen.
ETI’s Journey Today
After countless sleepless nights, numerous familial disagreements, and a multitude of trial and error experiences, Electronic Temperature Instruments (ETI) has evolved into a fully-fledged British manufacturer, proudly crafting and distributing products like the Thermapen to customers worldwide.
At present, ETI stands as the largest digital thermometer manufacturer in the UK, boasting an extensive range of products that includes hygrometers and other analytical instruments. cater to a diverse array of industrial sectors, encompassing food and catering, healthcare, transportation, facilities management (cleaning), HVAC, construction, R&D labs, and many more.
Among ETI’s impressive lineup, the Thermapen ONE stands as one of their most advanced models. With the ability to provide temperature readings in a mere one second, it is arguably the fastest and most accurate device of its kind in the market. Its development journey dates back to the 1990s, and its exceptional performance has garnered immense popularity among both domestic and commercial customers. Despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic in 2020, Thermapen ONE played a vital role in driving record revenues for the business.
Currently, ETI operates from three manufacturing facilities located in the Worthing area. With a team of 180 dedicated employees led by 10 specialized managers, remain committed to the objective of introducing a minimum of three new products each year.
Manotherm is the dealer for ETI in Ireland and has extensive expertise and knowledge of dealing with the full ETI product range.
Whether your query relates to Supply, Servicing, or a query about the technical aspects of the product contact Manotherm.