Terms & Conditions

, Terms & Conditions



Unless otherwise specifically agreed, all goods are sold at the price currently quoted by us on the day of dispatch.


Shipping dates are approximate. They are dependent upon credit approval and subject to delays beyond our control.


Unless otherwise agreed all goods are to be paid for by cash with order or C.O.D.


Where credit is granted terms are strictly monthly and interest at the rate of 1% per month will be charged on all balances more than three months in arrears.


All cost of carriage and packing are chargeable to the purchaser.


 Whilst every effort is made to adhere to delivery times, stated liability for delay howsoever caused and for loss howsoever arising therefrom is hereby excluded.


All liability of whatsoever nature in respect of any loss whatsoever, howsoever caused arising out of or in respect of or in connection with the sale of any goods is hereby excluded. This in no way prejudices the contractual rights of the buyer under Sections 12-15 of the Sales of Goods Act 1893.


No employee or agent of Manotherm Limited save for a Director has any authority to vary the terms of these conditions of trading whether by addition, subtraction, amendment or any other means whatsoever.


The goods supplied shall, unless otherwise agreed, remain the property of Manotherm Limited until all debts owing to Manotherm Limited or to be created in the future and arising out of any business transaction with the purchaser have been paid. In the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the purchaser, the title of the goods shall remain in Manotherm Limited unless all outstanding debts owed by the purchaser to Manotherm Limited have been discharged. Upon the happening of such event Manotherm Limited shall have the right to enter upon the premises of the purchaser for the purpose of re-possessing any goods which he has supplied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the goods shall be at the purchaser’s risk on delivery.


All orders shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained or referred to in Manotherm Limited’s quotation, acknowledgment, and to those listed here and to no others whatsoever. By placing an order, you accept our terms and conditions. No waiver, alteration or modification of these terms and conditions shall be binding unless in writing and signed by an executive officer of Manotherm Limited. All orders are subject to written acceptance.


For the purposed of resolving any dispute arising out of a sale, the contract shall be deemed to be governed by Irish Law.